I created the visuals for the television show Mamas Bedankt (or Mothers, Thank You) on behalf of IDTV and ICP, in collaboration with Marcel van Leeuwen (art director) and David Zegel (motion artist).
Mamas Bedankt is a one-time show that centers around Mother's Day. During the show, different people surprise their mothers and put them in the spotlight. At the same time, the viewer gets a look at the projects of Kinderfonds Mamas in South Africa. Kinderfonds Mamas is a charity organisation that is committed to the goal that every mother in the world needs to have access to proper tools to take care of their child and thus have a fair chance at a future.
Below you can see the visual elements I created and stills from the show:
Mamas Bedankt aired on RTL 4 on 05/14/2023.